Drinking Water and Human Health

Research-based information from America’s land-grant Universities, Extension Foundation

“Extension Foundation” is the brand name for USDA Extension online courses and other resources.

Research-based information from America’s land-grant Universities, Extension Foundation

Working with a national team of 17 professionals, Elaine coordinated content development for 150 FAQs and 38 topics related to drinking water and human health. While searching for information in the FAQ format is no longer available as of 2024, drinking water information is available on the Extension Foundation website.

Materials were developed for the national eXtension information website (now known as the Extension Foundation), and were designed to be easily accessible by the public via an Internet search for answers about a question. Content development is ongoing, in response to priority topics. The website is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, New Technologies for Ag Extension project.