COSEE Great Lakes

Great Lakes NSF Center for Ocean Science and Education Excellence

There are ten NSF Centers for Ocean Science and Education Excellence (COSEE). The COSEE Great Lakes project is the most recently established, beginning in January 2006. This ambitious and complex project involves the Sea Grant offices from eight states, which in the first year of the project provided over thirty educational events. Activities included setting up the project Web site, establishing a collection of Great Lakes/ocean sciences educational lessons, single state events, multi-state collaborative events, and activities in collaboration with a broad network of partners. Project audiences included: youth, educators (formal and informal), scientists, the public, and underserved audiences (highlighting Native American audiences).

Elaine served as the project evaluator for initial stages of the project.

Andrews, E., J. Blasczyk, and R. Kirby. 2007. Lake Exploration 2006 Workshops: One year follow-up study. University of Wisconsin Environmental Resources Center report to the NSF COSEE project.