Additional Publications

Book chapters, conference proceedings, and journal articles. In order by date of publication, most recent first.

Andrews, E. 2011. Working paper summarized in Chapter 3, Implications of Audience Research and Segmentation for Education Strategies (pp. 42-44). Climate Change Education: Goals, Audiences, and Strategies: A Workshop Summary. Sherrie Forrest and Michael A. Feder, Rapporteurs. Board on Science Education. Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. National Research Council. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press,

Osmond, D., N. Nadkarni, C. Driscoll, E. Andrews, A. Gold, S. Allred, A. Berkowitz, M. Klemens, T. Loecke, M. McGarry, K. Schwarz, M. Washington, & P. Groffman. 2010. The Role of Interface Organizations in Science Communication and Understanding. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 8:6. Pages 306-313.

Watermolan, D., E. Andrews, & S. Wade. 2009. Extension Educators Can Use Internet GIS and Related Technologies. Journal of Extension, 47:5.

Andrews, E. & K. Reilly. 2009. Changing Public Behavior – Assessing Educator SkillsEnvironmental Communication & Social Marketing, Vol. 2:1 (p. 7). Madison, WI. (Accessed March 15, 2009 at This website is no longer available as of 2024.

Andrews, E. 2009. Chapter 9. Free-Choice Environmental Learning in Practice/Research to inform environmental education practice (pages 141-156). Free-Choice Learning and the Environment. Edited by John Falk, Joe E. Heimlich, and Susan Foutz. Maryland: Alta Mira Press.

Monroe, M., E. Andrews, & K. Biedenweg. 2007. A Framework for Environmental Education Strategies. Applied Environmental Education and Communication 6:205-216.

Andrews, E. 2007. Fostering aquatic stewardship with the help of best education practices. Pages 25-32 in B. A. Knuth and W. F. Siemer, editors. Aquatic stewardship education in theory and practice. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 55, Bethesda, Maryland.

Andrews, E. 2000. Chapter II. 7, Cooperative Extension 4-H and Youth Programs. Hands on Science Outreach, NSTA Informal Science Education Book, VOL. 2, Roots and Anchors. National Science Teachers Association, Washington DC.

Andrews, E. & N. Smith-Sebasto, editors, 2001. 2001 Annual Conference Proceedings (CD rom version only). NAAEE Conference Publications.

Andrews, E. 1999. School-Based EE vs. Community-Based EE: Making the Connection for Education Reform. Proceedings of the 1999 Conference of the North American Association for Environmental Education. NAAEE Conference Publications.

Andrews, E., 1996. Give Water A Hand youth action curriculum. Proceedings, US EPA Nonpoint Source Pollution Information/Education Programs national conference. Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, Chicago.

Andrews, E., J. Hawthorne, & K. Pickering. 1996. Watershed Education – Goals and Strategies for Training, Communication, and Partnerships. Report created for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Washington, D.C., as part of Watershed ’96: Moving Ahead Together, sponsored by US EPA and the Water Environment Federation. The Plenary Proceedings are available from the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP). Full conference proceedings are available from WEF, order number CP3602 (800-666=0206)

Andrews, E. & K. J. Warren. 1996. Linking Water Education to Community Action. Proceedings of the 1996 Conference of the North American Association for Environmental Education. NAAEE Conference Publications, .

Andrews, E. 1994. Community Environmental Assessment. Proceedings of the 1994 Conference of the North American Association for Environmental Education. NAAEE Conference Publications, NAAEE Conference Publications.

Andrews, E. 1993. “Educating Youth About Watersheds: Options and Actions.” Proceedings of Watershed ’93, a National Conference on Watershed Management. Terrene Institute, Washington, DC.

Andrews, E. & A. Camozzi. 1993. Integrating Adult Education Principles into National Environmental Programs for Employees and Citizens – a symposium. Proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the North American Association for Environmental Education. NAAEE Conference Publications.

Andrews, E. 1992. Strategies to Reduce Household Hazardous Waste. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Waste Management, Equipment and Recycling Conference, published by the Tower Conference Management Company, 800 Roosevelt Rd., Bldg. E – Suite 408, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5835.

Andrews, E. & M. A. Rozum. 1991. The 1990 Farm Bill and the Environmental Educator. Confronting Environmental Challenges in a Changing World, Proceedings of the 1991 Conference of the North American Association for Environmental Education. NAAEE Conference Publications.

Andrews, E. 1990. Training Leaders About Groundwater Protection: Summary of Follow up Surveys. Setting the EE Agenda for the 90s, 1990 Conference Proceedings, NAAEE. NAAEE Conference Publications.

Andrews, E. 1989. Educating Wisconsin Adults About Toxic Substance Manage­ment: A Model for Educating the Nonformal Audience About Environmental Issues. Proceedings of the 1989 Joint Conference of the National Association of Environmental Education and the Conservation Education Association. NAAEE Conference Publications.

Andrews, E. 1988. The Enemy Within: Hazardous Waste from Homes. Extension Review. Fall 1988. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Andrews, E. & Harold C. Jordahl, Jr. 1987. University of Wisconsin Extension, Cooperative Extension Service: Natural and Environmental Resource Education ProgramsThe Environmental Profession. Vol. 9, No 3.

Andrews, E. 1987. “Educational Telephone Network (ETN) Short Course Series” and “Environment Catalog” in Reaching New Audiences, edited by Martha C. Monroe for the North American Association for Environmental Education 1987 Annual Conference. NAAEE, . 
Andrews, E. 1983. Community Appearance–An Environmental Issue: Organizing Resources for Local Action. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the National Association of Environmental Education Annual Conference. NAAEE Conference Publications.