Community-based education about the environment

Citizens can apply an environmental stewardship perspective to any community development activity. 

Wisconsin initiatives:
In Wisconsin, environmental stewardship is routinely ranked as a top education need whenever county leaders are asked to prioritize local issues. Elaine’s initiatives to strengthen Wisconsin adult’s understanding, appreciation, and skills included a biannual ENVIRONMENT catalog of short courses for adults; a multi-year Household Hazardous Waste community collection initiative; and resources to help communities inventory and analyze local environmental concerns: Community Environmental Assessment, Indoor Air Quality, and Healthy Homes. The Wisconsin Master Naturalist program was also initiated as part of this content area. 

National initiatives:
Competitive and invited national initiatives include Agua Pura; an EPA/USDA partnership study; and CES YES, a youth environmental stewardship initiative. 

Initiatives in detail

photo of bittern in marsh


photo of house under construction


photo of storm drain


photo of housing development