This page lists Chris Honeyman’s books, book chapters, articles and monographs. Most publications related to long-term conflict management projects are described in more detail at the relevant project’s page. The most recent publications are linked below, and many others are linked from project pages, often free in PDF form. The Search box will also find the link to any document that’s available.
Also linked from this page is a small selection of Chris Honeyman’s arbitration and administrative-law decisions. The selected decisions are matters of public record and relate closely to an ongoing issue: how ADR interacts with the law.
Project Seshat (2023). Negotiation Strategies for War by Other Means
A special issue of the Cardozo Journal of Conflict ResolutionWith seven articles by Project Seshat members, including
Project Seshat (2023). Hybrid Warfare: Fighting Back with Whole-of-Society Tactics.

A special issue of On Track, the journal of Canada’s Conference of Defence Associations Institute. With five articles by Project Seshat members, including

Schneider, A.K. and Honeyman, C. 2023. Advocates’ and Neutrals’ Roles in a New Type of Conflict–the Private and Public Crises of Hybrid WarfareNew York State Dispute Resolution Lawyer, Vol. 16/1.

Honeyman, C., Chrustie, C., Schneider, A.K., Fraser, V. and Jordaan, B. 2020. Hybrid Warfare, International Negotiation, and an Experiment in ‘Remote Convening’Negotiation Journal, Fall 2020.

Honeyman, C. (2020). A Sort of Career. A chapter in Evolution of a Field: Personal Histories in Conflict Resolution, edited by Nancy A. Welsh and Howard Gadlin. St. Paul: DRI Press.

Schneider, A. K. and Honeyman, C. Negotiation Essentials for Lawyers. (2019). Chicago: American Bar Association. Adapted from the same editors’ Negotiator’s Desk Reference (NDR) for the specific needs of attorneys. Author or co-author of six chapters.

Honeyman, C. and Volpe, M. (2020). Prologue and Chapter VIII in Parish, R. and Cambria, J. The Other Side of the Door: the art of compassion in policing. St Paul: DRI Press.

Honeyman, C. and Schneider, A. K. (2018-2019). Three articles for Alternatives (CPR, New York), describing the process that led to the most thorough work available on negotiation, Honeyman & Schneider’s Negotiator’s Desk Reference (see below.) November 2018: “A Canon Is Revised: Has the Negotiation Field Come of Age?” / December 2018: “One to One: Moving Forward While Facing Deep Differences” / January 2019: “Safety (and Power) in Numbers: Negotiation with Groups.”

Honeyman, C. and Schneider, A. K. (2017). The Negotiator’s Desk Reference. Two volumes. St. Paul, MN: DRI Press. (Web edition: NDR Books, Co-editor of the most comprehensive reference available on negotiation, replacing Schneider and Honeyman’s Negotiator’s Fieldbook (ABA 2006.) Author or co-author of seven chapters.

Borbély, A., Ebner, N., Honeyman, C., Kaufman, S. and Schneider, A. K. (2017). “A ‘Grand’ Unified Negotiation Theory… in Context.” Journal of Dispute Resolution, 2017 Symposium Issue.

Kaufman, S., Honeyman, C. and Schneider, A. K. (2017). “Should they Listen to Us? Seeking a Negotiation / Conflict Resolution Contribution to Practice in Intractable Conflicts.” Journal of Dispute Resolution, 2017 Symposium Issue.

Honeyman, C. and Schneider, A. K. (2015). “Herding Interdisciplinary Cats–Into a Single Frame of Reference.” Article on the process of building the Negotiator’s Desk Reference. Processes of International Negotiation Working Group: PINPoints 42: pp 44-46.

Honeyman, C. (2015). “Workplace Conflict.” An entry in the SAGE Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence, edited by Janet Bennett. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Barendrecht, M. and Honeyman, C. (2014). “Dispute Resolution: Existing Business Models and Looming Disruptions.” Dispute Resolution Magazine, Spring 2014, 17-21.

Honeyman, C. (2013). “Assessing Mediators: 30 Years’ Experience.” Tan Pan: The Chinese-English Journal on Negotiation, Vol. 1/2, 37-50 (Chinese), 96-110 (English). Hong Kong: CCH Wolters Kluwer.

Honeyman, C. (2013). “Labor Relations and Conflict.” A chapter in Volume 2 of The Handbook of Conflict Resolution, 3rd ed., edited by Peter Coleman and Morton Deutsch. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Honeyman, C. and Parish, R. (2013). “Choreography of Negotiation: Movement in Three Acts.” Chapter 6 in Choreography of Resolution: Conflict, Movement and Neuroscience, edited by M. LeBaron, C. MacLeod and A. F. Acland. Washington, DC: ABA Books.

Honeyman, C., Coben, J., and Lee, A. W-M. (2013). Educating Negotiators for a Connected World. DRI Press. Co-editor of the fourth book produced by the Rethinking Negotiation Teaching project. Co-author of four chapters,

Ebner, N., Coben, J., and Honeyman, C. (2012) Assessing our Students, Assessing Ourselves. DRI Press. Co-editor of the third book produced by the Rethinking Negotiation Teaching Initiative, above.

Honeyman, C. (2011). “Fairness and Self-Evaluation.” Journal of the International Ombudsman Association, Vol. 4/1, 32-40.

Global Corporate Governance Forum, International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group (2011). Toolkit 4: Preventing and Resolving Corporate Governance Disputes. Member of core writing team.

Honeyman, C., Coben, J., and De Palo, G. (2010). Venturing Beyond the Classroom. DRI Press. Co-editor of the second book produced by the Rethinking Negotiation Teaching project. Co-author of five chapters.

Honeyman, C., Coben, J., and De Palo, G. (2009) Rethinking Negotiation Teaching. DRI Press. Co-editor of the first book produced by the Rethinking Negotiation Teaching project.

Honeyman, C., Coben, J., and De Palo, G. (2009) “Negotiation Teaching 2.0.” Guest editor of a  special issue (April, 2009) of Negotiation Journal, with eight articles from the Rethinking Negotiation Teaching project.

Honeyman, C. (2007) “Paradigms of Practice.” ACResolution Quarterly, Winter 2007. Introduction to a special issue, “Paradigms of Practice: A Mosaic of Approaches.”

Honeyman, C., Macfarlane, J., Mayer, B., Schneider, A.K., and Seul, J. (2007) “The Next Frontier: Thinking Ahead about Conflict.” Alternatives, CPR/New York, 6/2007.

Kaufman, S., Honeyman, C. and Schneider, A.K., (2007) “Why don’t they listen to us? The Marginalization of Negotiation Wisdom”, in Dupont, C., ed., Négociation et Transformations du Monde, Éditions Publibook, Paris.

Honeyman, C. (2007) “A Sale of Land in Somerset County.” Negotiation Journal, Vol 23/2. 

Schneider, A.K. and Honeyman, C. (2006) “Metaphors, Hostage-Takers, and Dealing with ‘Influential Outsiders’ Highlight Excerpts from a ‘Canon’ on Deal-Making.” Alternatives, CPR/New York, 9/2006.

Schneider, A.K. and Honeyman, C. (2006.) The Negotiator’s Fieldbook. (American Bar Association.) Co-editor of the most comprehensive reference work on negotiation available; author or co-author of eight chapters. This award-winning book is the second stage of the Honeyman-Schneider interdisciplinary Canon of Negotiation Initiative

Honeyman, C. (2006) “Worlds in a Small Room.” Journal of Dispute Resolution, Vanishing Trial Symposium Issue, Vol. 2006/1, 107-118. 

Honeyman, C. (2005) “Neutrality as Aspiration: Understanding Mediators’ Biases and Limitations.” Journal of American Arbitration, Vol. 4/2, 271-292.

Honeyman, C. (2005) “Something More than Skill: What Are Parties Really Seeking in a Mediator?” Alternatives, CPR/New York, 4/2005.

Honeyman, C., Goh, B.C. and Kelly, L. (2004) “Skill is Not Enough: Seeking Connectedness and Authority in Mediation.” Negotiation Journal, Vol. 20/4.

Honeyman, C. and Love, L.L. (2004) “New York Moveable Feast: Boundaries to Practice.” Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 5/2, 147-157. Lead article of a series of three articles exploring the very different ADR cultures of different US cities.

Honeyman, C. and Menkel-Meadow, C. (2004) “Washington, DC Moveable Feast: The Odds on Leviathan—Dispute Resolution and Washington, DC’s Culture.” Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 5/2, 159-171.

Waldman, E.A. and Honeyman, C. (2004) “San Diego Moveable Feast: Competition in Cooperation-Building.” Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 5/2, 173-185.

Honeyman, C. and Schneider, A.K., (2004), guest editors, Marquette Law Review, Vol. 87/4, special issue of 25 articles, the first publication of the Broad Field Project/Marquette University interdisciplinary canon of negotiation initiative. 

Honeyman, C. and Schneider, A.K. “Catching Up with the Major-General: The Need for a Canon of Negotiation.” Introduction to the MLR special issue, pp. 637-648.

Honeyman, C. (2002-2003) Beyond Intractability Project and Nine “core essays” on a variety of ADR topics for these parallel databases operated by the Conflict Resolution Consortium, University of Colorado. 

Honeyman, C., Ackerman, R., and Welsh, N.A., (2003) organizers, Penn State Law Review, Vol. 108/1, special issue of 17 articles, responding to the Broad Field Project/Penn State Dickinson Law School 2003 conference on threats to the conflict resolution field.

Honeyman, C. “Prologue: Observations of Capitulation to the Routine.” Introduction to the PSLR special issue, pp. 9-17.

Honeyman, C., Hughes, S., and Schneider, A.K., (2003) guest editors, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol. 20/4, a special series of ten articles, responding to the Broad Field Project/University of New Mexico Law School 2002 conference on improving teaching methods.

Cheldelin, S., Greenberg, M., Honeyman, C., and Volpe, M., (2002/2003) guest editors, Negotiation Journal, Vol. 18/4 and Vol. 19/1. Two special issues, containing nineteen articles responding to the 2002 Hewlett Theory Centers Conference developing feedback from practice expertise into new scholarship; a collaboration between Honeyman’s Theory to Practice Project, two of the Hewlett Theory Centers, and the Hewlett Foundation. 

Honeyman, C. and Cheldelin, S. (2002.) “Have gavel, will travel: dispute resolution’s innocents abroad.” Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol. 19/3.

Honeyman, C. (2001.) “The wrong mental image of settlement.” Negotiation Journal, Vol. 17/1.

Honeyman, C., McAdoo, B., and Welsh, N. (2001.) “Here there be monsters: At the edge of the map of conflict resolution.” The Conflict Resolution Practitioner (Monograph, Office of Dispute Resolution, Georgia Supreme Court.)

Senger, J. and Honeyman, C. (2001.) “Cracking the hard-boiled student: Some ways to turn research findings into effective training exercises.” The Conflict Resolution Practitioner (Monograph, Office of Dispute Resolution, Georgia Supreme Court.)

Honeyman, C. (2001.) “On evaluating mediators.” (Adapted from 1990 Negotiation Journal article by that title), pp. 361-365 in Mediation Theory and Practice (Alfini, J., Press, S.B., Sternlight, J.R., and Stulberg, J.B., eds.; Lexis Publishing.)

Honeyman, C., McAdoo, B., and Welsh, N. (2001.) “Not quite protocols: Toward collaborative research in conflict resolution.” Conflict Resolution Quarterly, fall 2001.

Honoroff, B. and Honeyman, C. (2001.) “System disorders: trying to build dispute resolution into managed health care.” Alternatives to the High Costs of Litigation (CPR, New York) Oct. 2001.

Honeyman, C. (1999.) “Viewpoint: On covering dispute resolution.” ADR Report (Pike & Fischer / BNA, Inc.), Vol. 3, No. 16, pp.5-7.

Honeyman, C. (1999.) Guide to Dispute Resolution Practitioners and Researchers. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado (

Honeyman, C. (1999.) “ADR Practitioners and Researchers in a ‘Moveable Feast’.” Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation (CPR Institute, New York), June 1999.

Honeyman, C. (1999.) “Confidential, more or less.” Dispute Resolution Magazine, January 1999: pp. 2-3.

Honeyman, C. (1999.) “Covering Dispute Resolution.” IRE Journal (Investigative Reporters & Editors, Inc.), Spring 1999.

Honeyman, C. (1999.) “Setting Criteria for Mediator Performance.” CONSENSUS (MIT Public Disputes Program), Winter 1998-99.

Honeyman, C. (1998.) “ ‘Highish’ Tech: Making a Web Site Simple.” ADR Online Monthly, December 1998.

Honeyman, C. (1998.) “Frames of Reference.” Mediation Quarterly, Summer 1998.

Honeyman, C. (1998). “Not Good for Your Career.” Negotiation Journal 14: 13-18.

Honeyman, C. (1997). A Researcher’s Guide to Dispute Resolution Practitioners. Dispute Resolution Institute, Hamline University School of Law (Minneapolis).

Honeyman, C. (1997). “Theory v. Practice in Dispute Resolution.” Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation, July-August 1997.

Honeyman, C., Pou, C., et al. (1996). Finding and Hiring Quality Neutrals: What Every Government Official Needs to Know. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service, Dept. of Health & Human Services, Dept. of Justice, Dept. of State, and Dept. of the Treasury; Madison, WI: Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission.

Honeyman, C. (1995). Financing Dispute Resolution. Washington, DC: National Institute for Dispute Resolution.

Honeyman, C. (1995). “Two Out of Three.” Negotiation Journal 11: 5-10.

Test Design Project (1995; Honeyman, principal author). Performance-Based Assessment: a Methodology, for use in selecting, training and evaluating mediators. Washington, DC: National Institute for Dispute Resolution.

Honeyman, C. (1993). “A Consensus on Mediators’ Qualifications.” Negotiation Journal 9: 295-308. Lead article of a special issue of 11 articles based on the Test Design Project.

Test Design Project (1993; Honeyman, principal author). Interim Guidelines for Selecting Mediators. Washington, DC: National Institute for Dispute Resolution.

Goldberg, S. B., Sander, F. E. A., and Rogers, N. H., eds. (2nd ed., 1992; Honeyman, pp. 104, 113-116.) Dispute Resolution. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.

Honeyman, C. (1992). “The Future of the Labor Mediator.” Proceedings, 1992 conference of the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution.

Honeyman, C., Peterson, N., and Russell, T. (1992). “Developing Standards in Dispute Resolution.” A paper presented at the 1992 conference of the Law & Society Association.

Breslin, J. W. and Rubin, J. Z., eds. (1991; Honeyman, pp. 401, 429-432.) Negotiation Theory and Practice. Cambridge, MA: PON Books, Harvard Law School.

Honeyman, C. (1990a). “On Evaluating Mediators.” Negotiation Journal 6: 23-36.

Honeyman, C. (1990b). “The Common Core of Mediation.” Mediation Quarterly 8: 73-82.

Honeyman, C., Miezio, K., and Houlihan, W. (1990). “In the Mind’s Eye? Consistency and Variation in Evaluating Mediators.” Working Paper No. 90-21, Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.

Honeyman, C. and Nielsen, D. (1990). “Lakeshead Revisited.” (Videotape). Association of Labor Relations Agencies.

Honeyman, C. and Nielsen, D. (1989). “Roadster Meets Dent: An Inquiry into Research in Mediation.” (2 videotapes, 2 papers). Program on Negotiation Clearinghouse, Harvard Law School.

Honeyman, C. (1988). “Five Elements of Mediation.” Negotiation Journal 4: 149-158.

Honeyman, C. (1987). “In Defense of Ambiguity.” Negotiation Journal 3: 81-86.

Honeyman, C. (1986). “Bias and Mediators’ Ethics.” Negotiation Journal 2: 175-178.

Honeyman, C. (1985). “Patterns of Bias in Mediation.” Journal of Dispute Resolution, vol. 1985, 141-149.