Community & Environment Bibliography


Publications identified within the Convenor website, listed in alphabetical order by title. All publications and resources were written by Elaine Andrews unless otherwise noted.

Agua Pura, A Leadership Institute Planning Manual for Latino Communities.  M. Thompson, K. Reilly, & K. Row,​ Elaine Andrews, principal investigator. 2000. University of Wisconsin Environmental Resources Center report.

A Model of Community-Based Environmental Education. Chapter 10 in New Tools for Environmental Protection: Education, Information, and Voluntary Measures (pages 161-182). National Research Council, Division of Behavior and Social Sciences and Education: Committee on the Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Thomas Dietz and Paul C. Stern, editors. Chapter by E. Andrews, M. Stevens, G. Wise, 2002. National Academy Press,

An EPA/USDA Partnership to Support Community-based Education – A Discussion Paper. 1998. EPA 910-R-98-008. Paper version available from OCLC Number 1044752923

An EPA/USDA Partnership to Support Community-based Education —Pamphlets 1-9:  

  • No. 1 Supporting Community-Based Environmental Education: Discussion Paper Summary
  • No. 2 Leadership Roles for Cooperative Extension: Building Partnerships for Strong Communities
  • No. 3 Linking to EPA Region 5: A County Extension Guide to US EPA Region 5
  • No. 4 Leadership Roles for EPA: Forging Solutions for Sustainable Communities
  • No. 5 Linking to Cooperative Extension: A US EPA Guide to Cooperative Extension in Region 5 States
  • No. 6 Building Capacity: Educating for Community Action
  • No. 7 Building Capacity: From Transferring to Transforming
  • No. 8 Building Capacity: Community Based Environmental Education in Practice
  • No. 9 Comparing USDA Cooperative Extension and US EPA: A guide to Pamphlets in the Partnership Series

An Assessment of Resources for Source Water Education Needs. 1999. Compiled by Cindy Jelenchick, outreach specialist, under the direction of Elaine Andrews. Funding was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water. 

Assessing National Water Quality Education Needs for the Nonformal Youth Audience. A report for the United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service. E. Andrews and K. Poulin, 1992. University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension. 

CES YES, Cooperative Extension Supports Youth Environmental Stewardship. E. Andrews, K. Reilly, J. Rea-Keywood, and CES YES Advisory Committee. 2004. University of Wisconsin Environmental Resources Center. 

Changing public behavior with help from target audience research. In proceedings for A Southern Region Conference on Technology Transfer and Extension, Hot Springs, AK (pp 17-27). E. Andrews. 2009. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station General Technical Report SRS–116, 

Chemical Hazards in the Home, Indoor Air Quality series: “Solvents”; “Pesticides”; “Household Cleaners and Polishes.” Andrews, E., 1988. University of Wisconsin Extension Publication Series. (G3026, G3027, G3028)​

Community Assessment Fact Sheet Series.  E. Andrews, G. Bunnell, S. Grabow, M. Habecker, A. Lewis, J. Moskal, D. Neuendorf, J. Roberts, and D. Such. 1999. University of Wisconsin Environmental Resources Center.

  • #1 – Overview of Community Environmental Assessment
  • #2 – Taking Stock
  • #3 – Information in Land Use Planning
  • #4 – The Environmental Resources Inventory
  • #5 – Inventory Worksheets
  • #6 – Development Impact Analysis
  • #7 – Potential Impacts from Development Practices
  • #8 – How to Set Up the Impact Process
  • #9 – Support Resources

Conservation USA Project Leader Handbook: A Comprehensive Resource for Training and Leading Volunteer Conservation Crews; and Conservation USA: Instructor’s Manual.   E. Andrews, PI., K. Reilly and T. Beaty, lead authors. 2009. U.S. Forest Service and University of Wisconsin Extension, Environmental Resources Center.

Drinking Water and Human Health, eXtension online resource. Created by E. Andrews, in collaboration with 17 USDA Cooperative Extension professionals. While searching for information in the FAQ format is no longer available as of 2024, drinking water information is available on the Extension Foundation website

Educating Young People about Water: A guide to goals and resources with an emphasis on nonformal and school enrichment settings. E. Andrews & the National Review Team, 1992, and updated in 1995 with K. J. Warren. ERIC Clearinghouse, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.; Full text also available at 

Educating Young People About Water – A guide to program planning and evaluation. E. Andrews, J. Heimlich, E. Farrell, R. Ponzio, K. J. Warren. 1995.  

Educating Young People About Water – A guide to unique program strategies. K. J. Warren. & E. Andrews, 1995.  

Environment Catalog (short courses) – sample catalogs for the University of Wisconsin Environmental Resources Center. 

Environmental Impacts. Chapter 5 in Community Guide to Development Impact Assessment, Mary Edwards, editor, Wisconsin Land Use Research Program. E. Andrews. 2000. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Urban and Regional Planning.

Federal Junior Duck Stamp Program Connecting Children with Nature through Science and Art! An opportunity to investigate what is fun, unique, and mysterious about waterfowl and wetlands in North America and in your community. Research and writing team: E. Andrews, D. Ledin, & K. Reilly. 2012. US Fish & Wildlife program. Accessed June 2017 at 

Give Water a Hand. Website,

GIVE WATER a HAND Leader Guide and GIVE WATER a HAND Youth Action Guide. Cairn, S., R. Cairn, & K. Row, 1994 and 1995 revision. E. Andrews, PI. University of Wisconsin Board of Regents. Translated into Spanish by Gaby Castro, 1997. Available at the Give Water a Hand website,

Hazardous Waste in Your Home? Here’s What You Should Do! Series: “Home Cleaning Products”; “Paint and Other Home Improvement Products”; “Waste Oil and Other Automotive Products”; “Home and Garden Pesticides”. E. Andrews, 1988, and updated by Jonathan Rivin in 2012. University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Publication Series. (G3453, G3454, G3455, G3456)

Holding onto the Green Zone. A Youth Program for the Study and Stewardship of Community Riparian Areas. US Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Reilly, K., Wooster, B. & E. Andrews. 2008. Publication Index Number, BLM/WO/GI-7/019+8600 EE8007A and BLM/WO/GI-7/019+8600 EE8007B.

House Dust and Biological Contaminants. University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Publications (G3462). 1989. 

Increasing Effectiveness of Regional Earth Science Education with Help from a Focus Group. M. Thompson and E. Andrews. 2000. University of Wisconsin – Environmental Resources Center guidebook. 

Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist. E. Andrews and J. Merrill. 1989. University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Publications (B3439).

Lake Exploration 2006 Workshops: One year follow-up study. Report to the NSF COSEE project. Andrews, E., J. Blasczyk, and R. Kirby. 2007.  University of Wisconsin Environmental Resources Center.

Natural Resources. Chapter 7 in Building Our Future: A Guide to Community Visioning. Anna Haines, editor, University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Publication (G3708). E. Andrews. 2000. Available for free download or hard copy purchase through the UWEX Learning Store,

Outreach that makes a difference! Target audiences for water education – A research meta-analysis. Stevens, M. & E. Andrews. 2006. Retrieved June 2017 from . An audience research summary is available at

Outreach That Makes a Difference. Target Audiences for Water Education – A Research Meta-Analysis. Study Specific Research Findings for 15 Target Audiences. E. Andrews. 2017.

Planning for Fun and Success! Video interviews and youth water education program examples. Created by E. Andrews. Directed and produced by D. Luciani, University of Wisconsin Extension. [Available via the ERC library.]

Riparian Education Initiative Toolkit Survey Results. Report by the University of Wisconsin Environmental Resources Center.

Source Water Education Report. Compiled by Cindy Jelenchick, outreach specialist, under the direction of Elaine Andrews. 1999. Funding was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.

USGS/NSTA Earth Science Materials: Increasing Effectiveness of Regional Earth Science Education, Focus Group and Survey report. E. Andrews and M. Thompson. 2000. University of Wisconsin Environmental Resources Center report.

USGS/NSTA Earth Science Materials: Increasing Effectiveness of Regional Earth Science Education with Help from a Focus Group [Manual]. M. Thompson and E. Andrews. 2000. University of Wisconsin – Environmental Resources Center guidebook.

University of Wisconsin Extension – Cooperative Extension Natural Resources and Environmental Management Programs, 1996. Task Force Report on Program Mission, Goals, Resources, and Recommendations. Andrews, E. and T. Wilson. 1996. University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension – Environmental Resources Center, Madison, Wisconsin.

Water Outreach Education: Facilitating Access to Resources and Best Education Practices. Website, 

Water Outreach Education Tools for NPS Programming: The Best in Education Practices, Target Audience Research, Programs, and Materials. Proceedings of the 4th National Conference, Nonpoint Source and Stormwater Pollution Education Programs (pp 61-68). 2005. E. Andrews, & K. Reilly. Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, Illinois, 60022; 847/835-6837.

Water Outreach Education Facilitating Access to Resources and Best Practices: Study of Provider Needs. Stevens, M., K. Reilly, & E. Andrews. 2002.  University of Wisconsin, Environmental Resources Center.

Youth as Partners: A Cooperative Extension Service investment in community-based environmental education 1991–1998 summarizes initial efforts.